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Premium : Financial Analyst Skills Training (FAST) program
Itinerary of this Learning Journey: An Introduction
Live Instructor Led Sessions
Your Captain of this Journey: The Instructor (1:38)
1: Welcome on Board (5:34)
Module 1: Basic Excel Functions To Analyze Large Data
2: Introduction to this module (3:44)
3: Download the Excel spreadsheet for this module (0:34)
4: Let us look at the data for this illustration (2:55)
5: Extraction of data: understanding the SUMIF function (8:14)
6: Extraction of data: calculating growth rates (3:58)
7: Extraction of data: understanding the VLOOKUP function (11:40)
8: Extraction of data: understanding the HLOOKUP function (9:31)
9: Extraction of data: understanding the INDEX and MATCH function (13:56)
10: Extraction of data: understanding the IF, COUNTIF and COUNTIFS function (9:09)
11: Presentation of data: understanding the LINE chart (12:33)
12: Presentation of data: understanding the PIE chart (11:45)
13: Presentation of data: understanding the COLUMN chart (13:03)
14: Presentation of data: understanding the STACKED COLUMN chart (10:56)
15: Presentation of data: understanding the CONDITIONAL FORMATTING function (6:58)
16: Practice Assignment #1 - Difficulty level: MEDIUM
17: Solution to Practice Assignment #1
18: End of Module 1
19: Please provide us with your valuable feedback
Module 2: Basics of financial accounting statements
Pre-Assessment Quiz by Rakesh Sud
20: Introduction to Module 2 (1:43)
21: What is accounting and why we need it? (4:18)
22: Key financial statements: Income statement (3:30)
23: Key financial statements: Balance sheet (3:14)
24: Illustration for this module (0:49)
25: Illustration of transaction 1 (0:40)
26: Illustration of transaction 2 (1:03)
27: Illustration of transaction 3 (1:35)
28: Illustration of transaction 4 (2:21)
29: Illustration of transaction 5 (1:55)
30: Illustration of transaction 6 (1:59)
31: Illustration of transaction 7 (2:07)
32: Illustration of transaction 8 (1:52)
33: Illustration of transaction 9 (1:34)
34: Illustration of transaction 10 (1:54)
35: Practice Assignment 2 - Difficulty Level : MEDIUM
36: Solution to Practice Assignment #2
37: End of Module 2
38: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
Bonus time again
Module 3: Financial performance analysis of companies
39: Introduction to Module 3 (1:54)
40: Introduction to financial performance analysis (2:24)
41: Download the excel spreadsheet illustration for this module (0:34)
42: Illustration for this module (5:06)
43: How to measure the performance of companies? (3:20)
44: What are the key metrics for measuring performance of companies? (9:27)
45: Calculation of operating metrics for Company 1 (5:39)
46: Calculation of financing metrics for Company 1 (3:43)
47: Calculation of operating and financing metrics for Company 2 (5:05)
48: Calculation of operating and financing metrics for Company 3 and Company 4 (0:43)
49: Calculation of averages for all metrics across companies (6:50)
50: Visual representation of metrics across companies (1:44)
51: Ranking of operating metrics (6:15)
52: Ranking of financing metrics (5:34)
53: Choosing the best company (3:12)
54: Quick recap: What did we learn? (2:14)
55: Practice Assignment #3: DIFFICULTY LEVEL - EASY/MEDIUM
56: Solution to Assignment #3 by Venkataramana Gundamaraju
57: End of Module 3
58: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
One more bonus eh
Module 4: Forecasting an integrated financial model
59: Introduction to Module 4 (2:10)
60: Illustration for this module (1:13)
61: Download the illustration exercise for the course (0:34)
62: The six steps to forecasting a financial model (2:57)
63: Step 1: Capturing historical IS & BS (8:00)
64: Step 2a: Calculating historical IS ratios (12:20)
65: Step 2b: Calculating historical BS ratios (6:39)
66: Step 3a: Extrapolating future IS ratios (10:17)
67: Step 3b: Extrapolating future BS ratios (5:01)
68: Quick recap of what we have do so far (1:27)
69: Step 4a: Forecasting future income statement (12:01)
70: Step 4b: Forecasting future balance sheet - assets side (7:17)
71: Step 4c: Forecasting the future balance sheet - liabilities side (12:56)
72: What are the components of cash flow statement? (6:18)
73: Step 5a: Calculating the cash flow from operations (13:54)
74: Step 5b: Calculating the cash flow from investments (7:34)
75: Step 5c: Calculating the cash flow from financing (7:53)
76: Step 5d: Calculating the cash balance at end of year (3:03)
77: Step 6: Integrating the balance sheet with cash flows statement (2:19)
78: BREATHE & PAUSE: Recap (1:49)
79: Practice Assignment #4: DIFFICULTY LEVEL - HARD
80: Solution to Practice Assignment #4
81: End of Module 4
82: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
Bonus #4
Module 5A: Conceptual understanding of Discounted Cash Flow valuation technique
83: Introduction to Module 5A (1:49)
84: What is valuation? (2:09)
85: What does the Discounted Cash Flow technique estimate? (2:58)
86: Calculation of Free Cash Flows (4:56)
87: Free Cash flows are calculated for the future (1:44)
88: Calculation of the discount rate or WACC? (2:31)
89: Discounting future cash flows to calculate present value (2:19)
90: Calculation of Terminal Value (1:12)
91: Calculation of enterprise value and equity value (0:47)
92: End of Module 5A
93: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
Its Bonus time again
Module 5B: Step by step illustration of DCF valuation technique
94: Introduction to Module 5B (2:45)
95: 5 steps to doing a DCF valuation (1:38)
96: Download the illustration exercise for the module (0:34)
97: Lets look at the data for the illustration in this module (4:55)
98: Step 1a: Calculating EBIT (5:47)
99: Step 1b: Calculating post tax operating cash profits (5:52)
100: Step 1c: Calculating capex (5:50)
101: Step 1d: Calculating operating cash investments (3:10)
102: Step 1e: Calculating Free Cash Flows to Firm (FCFF) (2:52)
103: Step 2a: Calculating WACC (6:15)
104: Understanding the concept of discounting (3:06)
105: Step 2b: Discounting future cash flows to present value terms (4:12)
106: Step 3: Calculating Terminal Value (4:33)
107: Step 4: Calculating Enterprise Value (0:58)
108: Step 5: Calculating equity value and share price (1:40)
109: Sensitivity analysis on share price (7:13)
110: Recap of what we learnt in this module (1:15)
111: Practice Assignment #5: DIFFICULTY LEVEL - EASY
112: Solution to Practice Assignment #5
113: End of Module 5B
114: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
Bonus #6
Module 6A: Conceptual understanding of the multiples based valuation technique
115: Introduction to Module 6A (2:04)
116: What are the different techniques of equity valuation? (5:11)
117: A very brief overview of Discounted cash flow technique (1:48)
118: Multiples based valuation: What is a multiple? (2:35)
119: Multiples based valuation: what does a multiple denote? (1:32)
120: Multiples based valuation: What are the different types of multiples used? (3:21)
121: Illustration for this module (2:22)
122: Financial statements supplements to the illustration (2:44)
123: Steps to do a multiples based valuation (4:46)
124: Step 1: Choosing the right peers (6:34)
125: Step 2: Calculating the peer multiples (4:25)
126: Step 3: Calculating the target value (6:18)
127: So what is the best multiple to use? (7:51)
128: Recap: What did we learn in this module? (3:40)
129: End of Module 6A
130: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
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Module 6B: Practical application of the multiples based valuation
131: Introduction to Module 6B (3:33)
132: Download the illustration exercise for this module (0:34)
133: How to do a sum of the parts valuation using multiples (1/2) (11:53)
134: How to do a sum of the parts valuation using multiples (2/2) (5:27)
135: Practice Assignment #6: DIFFICULTY LEVEL - EASY
136: Solution to Practice Assignment #6
137: End of Module 6B
138: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
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Module 7: Advanced excel functions to analyze large data
139: Introduction to Module 9 (2:52)
140: Download the excel template for this module (0:34)
141: Understanding the LIST function (5:45)
142: Understanding the OFFSET function (8:30)
143: Understanding the SUMPRODUCT function (8:24)
144: Understanding the GOAL SEEK function (8:29)
145: Understanding the INDEX-MATCH function (18:54)
146: Understanding the PIVOT function (11:14)
147: Understanding the INDIRECT function (11:31)
148: Practice Assignment #7: DIFFICULTY LEVEL - MEDIUM
149: Solution to Practice Assignment #7
150: End of Module 7
151: Please provide us your valuable feedback on the course thus far
Bonus #9
Additional Topics
152: Statutory vs Effective vs Deferred Taxes
153: ROIC for Apple Inc.
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Summing Up: A Quick Recap (2:44)
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